New start line for Bermuda Day Half Marathon Race 2025

The Bermuda Day Half Marathon Committee has announced a change to the startline in St. George’s for the 2025 race.

A statement online reads, “We got a bit of feedback from last year’s Derby participants, and it seemed no one was a big fan of the turn-around on Marsh Folly. It was probably the only part of the course with very few spectators and incredibly quiet.

We made the decision to have this section of the course on Marsh Folly eliminated. This change has caused the St. George’s start line to be moved back, and the mile markers for the entire course to be adjusted.”

The new course which will see the race start just below Barrick Hill has been updated and certified by World Athletics/AIMS Level A measurer, Bob Thurston.

The new course map will be forthcoming, they also added a FYI for 2026, the Somerset start line will be slightly moved back as well.

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