The Minister of Labour and Economy, the Hon. Jason Hayward JP, MP, advised that the Department of Statistics has launched the Fall 2022 Labour Force Survey, which is expected to conclude on February 28th 2023.
The purpose of a Labour Force Survey is to determine the size and characteristics of the labour force and the economically inactive population.
Through collecting this information, the Department of Statistics can provide a profile of the labour market that can be used to develop, manage, evaluate and report on policies and programmes.
A random sample of 1,500 households was chosen from across the island to participate in this survey. It’s anticipated that it will take no more than 10 minutes to collect the survey information for each person in the household aged 16 years or over.
A letter was mailed to the selected households encouraging householders to provide the Department of Statistics with a contact telephone number to arrange their interview. If you have not done so already, please call 297-7956, 297-7960, 297-7779 or email to provide your contact telephone number. Households that are not interviewed via the telephone, will be interviewed in person weekdays between 10:00 am and 8:30 pm or weekends between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Householders are asked to please secure their pets.
The Labour Force Survey Reference Day was Sunday, November 20th 2022. This is the day to which most information that householders provide refers. The survey will collect information from Bermudian and non-Bermudian residents 16 years and older on a broad range of socio-economic characteristics for example:
- Demographic characteristics such as age, gender and Bermudian status
- Education (e.g. academic qualifications)
- Health insurance coverage
- Average hours worked
- Gross annual income
Please note that participation in the Labour Force Survey is required by law. All information collected is protected under the Statistics Act, 2002. This means that information related to an individual cannot be released to anyone, which includes any other Government Ministry or Department in a manner that reveals the individual’s identity without the written consent of that individual.
Members of the public who have any concerns about whether an interviewer is a genuine representative of the Department of Statistics, should request the interviewer’s name. They may use any of the telephone numbers provided in the survey letter mailed to them to call the Department and confirm the interviewer’s identity. Members of the public may also request to see both an interviewer’s letter of authenticity from the Director of Statistics and their Labour Force Survey photo identification card.
The Department of Statistics would like to thank participating households for their cooperation as participation in the Labour Force Survey is a civic duty. More importantly, the information obtained is critical to helping the Government make informed decisions that benefit the people of Bermuda.
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