Around 6:50 a.m. today, Thursday 7th October 2021, police received a report that a car had gone over a cliff at Ducking Stool Park, near the roundabout at the junction of Black Watch Pass and North Shore Road, Pembroke.
Upon arrival at the scene of the reported incident, officers found a vehicle lodged on the rocks above the water just west of the parking area at Ducking Stool Park, with the engine running but no one inside.
Searches carried out both on the water and on land did not turn up anyone injured at the scene and there have been no reports of anyone visiting King Edward VII Memorial Hospital seeking treatment as a result of this incident.
The Bermuda Police Service is asking anyone with information on this matter or, who may have been in the area of Black Watch Pass between 6:30 a.m. and 6:50 a.m. today, to please call 211 or, the main police number, 295-0011.
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