The issue with Walter Roban leaving will lead to major consequences for the PLP.

The Premier has confirmed that he will not leave until February 2026. This is backed by the PLP Central Committee, which consists of delegates from each branch. The delegates strongly support Premier Burt.

However, the general public does not support the Premier. To be fair to the Premier, many feel that his leadership has run its course and he should step down in the best interests of the country.

Cabinet members are loyal to the Premier, but when you talk to them privately, many share that they would support a new leader for the PLP. They believe the Premier’s eight years in office is enough and the thought of two more years is not in the best interests of the party or the country.

Some back benchers oppose the status quo and the lack of leadership. They often voice the sentiment coming from supporters and general public.

Burt won the leadership challenge in 2022, with 60% of the delegates supporting his administration.

Now, as we get closer to an election and the Premier has indicated that he plans to stay for two more years, many backbenchers feel that the Premier must go.

Why do people think the Premier should go?

When MPs are canvassing, their constituents are saying they won’t come out to vote or will vote for the opposition because they do not support David Burt’s leadership. Another reason is that the PLP is in the middle of a fundraising blitz and donors have made it clear they will not give money to the party as long as David Burt is the leader. Additionally, internal polls show the Premier’s approval numbers are very low. In the last election, the party ran on strong leadership and the entire campaign was centered around David Burt. Now, the polls are showing the opposite; people of Bermuda do not support David Burt’s leadership.

There are a number of marginal seats that the PLP could potentially lose, based on the fact that the country is looking for a change in leadership. Many of those aged 30 to 55 who gave the administration a chance will not do so this time around.

The PLP emphasizes loyalty and prefers to handle these matters internally, allowing the Premier to finish his term that expires in two years.

Retirement will cause chaos because there are four other sitting MPs who have indicated they will not run in the next general election.

We believe other MPs will also decide not to run in the next general election as long as David Burt is the leader.

This could lead to a slow dismantling of the party.

What needs to happen?

The delegates need to call a special delegate conference. They need to talk about the challenges with the Premier’s leadership and openly discuss a new direction for the party, which includes choosing a new leader. If we continue on this course, we could see a repeat of 2012 and end up in the opposition for longer than we were from 2012 to 2017.

Meanwhile, TNN News has been reliably informed today is the last day for Progressive Labor Party Members of Parliament to confirm to the party their intentions to run or not to run in the next General Election.

As of late this afternoon TNN understands from a reliable source that Ianthea Wade and Jason Wade will not contest the the next General election. With Walter Roban and Col. David Burch having already indicated they won’t be running, this means the PLP is now on the search for four new candidates.

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