TNN broke the story less than two weeks ago with an individual being under quarantine at the Southampton Princess. Since then, we have gotten reports that the Government has shut down the mold-encrusted facility and moved all people who were in quarantine there to Hamilton Princess.
TNN spoke with the individual, whom we have decided to keep anonymous, once again.
“ [Last week] Wednesday, I was told that a Minister stopped by at the hotel and [quarantining guests] were told that we were being transferred to another hotel by lunchtime,” they said. “ The hotel’s reasoning [for us being transferred] was because it proved a strain on their resources.”
Since Southampton Princess had set aside 150 rooms for unvaccinated people to quarantine, the individual found their reasoning a little confusing and suspicious and believes that staff should have just admitted that their facility had mold.
“ [Hotel staff] told us to get ourselves together, but did not tell us where we were moving to until we were already in the vehicle and we ended up at Hamilton Princess,” they said. “ We are currently in a wing of Hamilton Princess with other guests [ who are not under mandatory quarantine] and I wonder if they even know that they’re staying near people who are under quarantine.”
The source’s experiences at Southampton Princess and Hamilton Princess have been like day and night. Hamilton Princess staff even take guests out for walks into the city a couple of times a day.
“ It is obvious that Hamilton Princess is a functional hotel, and I have nothing bad to say about them,” they said.
The source’s mandatory quarantine period is coming to an end and they are quite excited to get back to their normal life and routine.
“ I believe that what the Government and hotels are doing has more to do with money than with anything else, it’s a total waste of money on the Government behalf, it’s cheaper to let people quarantine at home, I live at home alone,” they said.
“ This entire experience has been very eye-opening for me. There are definitely some things that need to be addressed for the betterment of Bermuda as a whole.”
Stay tuned to TNN for further updates on this story.
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