“This event will advance our national strategy to address the community violence problem,” said Minister of National Security Michael Weeks, JP. MP, as he hosts a retreat on September 15th and 16th.
“This upcoming retreat will build on the feedback received during the town hall meeting on community violence held on 19 July at the St. Paul Centennial Hall, by engaging stakeholders who directly work with young people and who were not able to attend that meeting,” the Minister added.
“Invitations will be sent shortly and we encourage invitees to save the date and make every effort to attend. We are reaching out to include helping organisations, charities, churches, Government departments, mental health personnel, private sector personnel and sporting clubs. We want to hear from those who work with young people who are at risk of either joining gangs and/or participating in violent activity.”
The programme for the retreat will concentrate thoughts on the issues and pinpoint solutions.” Minister Weeks added: “These are community issues and the Government is determined to foster a community-based approach to tackle the root causes of violence in our community.”
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