“This week, Bermuda residents and visitors alike have been participating in the planned Pride events. As the Minister with oversight of human rights, this serves as a timely reminder to highlight our diversity and the importance of inclusivity, equality, and respect for all,” said the Minister of Social Development and Seniors, the Hon. Tinee Furbert, JP, MP.
The Minister continued, “The Ministry of Social Development and Seniors remains committed to working towards creating a society where every individual can live their lives authentically and without fear. The events associated with Pride are an occasion to celebrate self-expression and individualism, and Bermuda Pride and Out Bermuda should be commended for providing safe and supportive spaces for our LGBTQ+ community.
“By embracing diversity and inclusion, and by treating individuals with dignity and respect, we can foster a sense of belonging, where every individual feels valued, empowered and worthy. Let’s continue to champion diversity and inclusion in all facets of our community. This in turn leads to stronger society for all – one that is forged through understanding and appreciation of our shared humanity.”
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