Minister Issues Safety Message as Bermuda Welcomes the New Year

As Bermuda prepares to engage in New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations, the Minister of National Security, Michael Weeks, issued a public safety reminder, urging the community to prioritise safety and responsible behaviour.

Minister Weeks encouraged residents to exercise good judgment when attending functions and gatherings, saying, “While this is a time of celebration, it is essential that we avoid behaviours that could lead to harm.

“Please also be mindful of the tragic consequences that reckless or violent behaviour can bring to our families and friends. Please don’t drink and drive, and please avoid engaging in anti-social actions that could disrupt the peace.”

Minister Weeks concluded, “Let’s ensure this New Year’s celebration is marked by safety and care for each other. Collectively, we can make this a peaceful and safe start to 2025.

“And as we welcome the New Year, I wish everyone a safe, enjoyable, and meaningful celebration. May 2025 bring hope and progress for all of Bermuda.”

A video message from the Minister sharing similar greetings is available on Instagram at the following link:Minister Weeks Holiday Safety Message

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