Man charged with firearm possession and conspiring to import cannabis

56-year-old Kevin DeRoza of Pembroke Parish was charged with possession of a firearm and conspiring to import cannabis into the island with intent to supply, when he appeared in Magistrates Court on Monday.

Standing before Kevin DeRoza senior magistrate Maxanne Anderson, the accused was not called upon to plead as the charges were laid indictably.

The Crown alleged that on or around November 9, Mr DeRoza was found with a firearm, namely a Glock 9mm pistol.

Also between an unknown date and November 9, Mr. DeRoza conspired with others to import a controlled drug, and that on or around November 9 he had in possession cannabis resin which was intended for supply.

A dialysis patient, DeRoza was released on $50,000 bail given that he wasn’t guaranteed the medical attention he must have due to inadequate staffing levels

Under his bail conditions he must remain at his address in Pembroke under a 7:00 pm to 7:00 am curfew and must notify the courts of any change of address.

He was also required to surrender his travel documents and report to Hamilton Police Station three times a week.

He is next scheduled to appear in court during monthly arraignments on January 2nd 1024.

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