Maintenance work on Lefroy House to start without disruption

The Government advised today that the Lefroy House Care Community (LHCC) recently underwent its annual inspection by the Bermuda Health Council. And while the inspection confirmed that the LHCC meets the Clinical, Administrative and Management Standards of practice, the inspection highlighted some significant concerns relating to the physical infrastructure and environmental health that pose some challenges to the operations of the facility. 


As a result, the Health Council outlined the required areas of improvement for the LHCC to meet the Code of Practice for Care Homes.


The areas identified do not relate to care, instead they focus on maintenance matters.


The Ministry of Public Works is working closely with the LHCC to address any ongoing issues and to conduct immediate repairs. This will be done in accordance with a specified timeline and with as minimal disruption to the residents as possible. The Ministry of Health has also been overseeing the situation and continues to have dialogue with the Bermuda Health Council to address any concerns.


The Government has been assured by the LHCC administration that the residents’ families and the health care community will be kept fully abreast of all the developments regarding the LHCC.

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