Justin Mathias in his own words “Why an Independent Candidate”

Given that news leaked of my consideration to run as an Independent in the upcoming election I thought it was imperative to write this piece to let you how I came to this decision, which certainly has not been an easy one and filled with mix emotions.

I have believed in the OBA since its start in 2011 and I have been a member ever since. I have supported them through the ups, the downs and everything in between.

On November 15, 2024 we had a Reply to the Throne speech delivered by the OBA party leader which was one of my final straws.

In that Reply to the Throne Speech the Opposition Leader saidthat “It’s time for an election”, and he repeated it numerous times. I immediately messaged a prominent OBA front facing member asking if they had 36 candidates?

He said no!

So how and why was is it so irresponsible?

As people who are holding public office or wanting to hold public office, we have a serious and moral duty to protect the individuals in which we serve and want to serve.

How can you call for an election knowing:

1. You don’t have a full slate of candidates,
2. You don’t have the individuals who have the caliber to form a government,
3. You simply don’t know how to lead a political party,
4. You didn’t want the job in the first place but because you were hand selected by the “powers that be” you dutifully continue to blindly lead.

I found that moment to be morally reprehensible and I can no longer in good conscience be a silent supporter.

Premier Burt decided to call the OBA’s bluff in the lead up to the 2020 election when Craig Cannonier dared him to call an election. So, what fool wouldn’t believe he would do it again when given the opportunity to defeat a weak OBA who was begging to get kicked, bruised, and beaten again. Then you add a weakened and tired Bermudian electorate who is apathetic to both parties you have the perfect winter storm of 2025.

Burt put his brilliance on display once again by forcing the outgoing Governor to call one of the shortest elections in history because the Government’s fiscal year ending on March 31st and Budget debates having to occur well in advance.

Bravo, the OBA adds another silver platter to David Burt’s growing collection.

I still can’t get over the fact that the OBA did not have 36 candidates in waiting when Jarion Richardson read that speech and 3 months later still doesn’t have 36 candidates.

It truly baffles the mind.

The ‘serious business party’ that touts on core values at any opportunity, and we can’t find one value to adhere to?

Any political strategist worth their weight in gold would tell you that after the press conference that occurred on January 8thwhere the Premier announced the election would havesalivated at the opportunity presented to the OBA. At 6:30 pm when the cameras cut at Alaska Hall they should have moved right down the street to OBA HQ where the OBA should have announced their 36 candidates, renewed their platform, enhanced their vision for the future, said we were ready all along and we are ready to form the next Government.

But that didn’t happen! Even the tree frogs couldn’t compete with the deafening silence.

Here we are 12 days after the election announcement and Bermuda’s only other serious political party alternative is once again not a viable option. It rather continue the “life support” agenda of being delayed to responding to Government, slow to rolling out candidates, and giving vague platitudes hoping that the publics disdain for the PLP would overshadow their unorganized trainwreck of an organization.

4 years and 3 months of irresponsible inaction, smokes and mirrors trying to pretend to the Bermudian people that change was occurring. When you look at who’s still representing the OBA and PLP, it’s the same career individuals trying to milk the political system and public purse until the last drop.

I am tired of the wasted time and energy trying to fix an organization that is fundamentally flawed and not giving that energy to affecting change to Bermudians. The characters of individuals they continue to allow to be a part of OBA and PLP are continuing to drag down the collective, us ordinary citizens.

Simply put if we had real election laws in this Country, I would wonder who would still be able to stand in this election, on both sides.

Enough is enough! We need to send party politics to the backbenches where they deserve to be. If any politicians that truly care about Bermudians and representing her People should consider standing on their own two feet and run on the merit and stop hiding behind Party banner.

I am part of my own movement that is combined of friends, family, former colleagues, constituents and supporters who want to chart a new path. I truly believe that the time is now for independent representation in each constituency that will provide the best voice for each community and in turn build a collective benefit to the entire nation.

If you considering a run as an independent and want advice,understand the gravity or serving, or simply want to help please feel free to reach out. You can find me on any of my social media accounts or by email at independentmathias@gmail.com.

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