Justice Minister Kim Wilkerson takes over the Department of Corrections

The Cabinet Office today outlined additional changes to ministerial responsibilities made by Her Excellency the Governor, Rena Lalgie on the advice of the Premier, the Hon. David Burt JP, MP.

  • The Department of Corrections moves from the Ministry of National Security to the Ministry of Justice.
  • The Ministry of National Security now has responsibility for drug prevention and the Department of National Drug Control.
  • The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is now responsible for liquor licensing and golf courses.
  • Consumer Affairs and land licenses move to the Ministry of Economy and Labour.
  • Intellectual Property now moves to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

A Government spokesperson said, “The revised Notice setting out the full assignment of ministerial responsibilities is gazetted today. These changes reflect a stronger alignment of portfolios to support the Government’s execution on policy initiatives for the people of Bermuda.”

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