In an exclusive part two interview with TNN, former Premier Sir John Swan said that non-Bermudians should be embraced more into the Bermudian culture, as opposed to being separated by the majority populace.
“ If we can do a relay for the life and benefit of people in Bermuda, it’s amazing what we might accomplish,” Sir John said. “We live such separate lives that people feel they’re in, but not
really, in Bermuda.”
Sir John says that when all that people who are dissatisfied with the way that the country is being run do is complain without taking any action or running for office themselves, that is when
you end up with a 30-seat supermajority in Parliament like there is now.
“ If you want to change the way things are being run now, we have to change the election process, but we cannot blame people for a set of circumstances that are not their fault,” he said.
“ The OBA cannot find colleagues within their own party to stand up, so don’t blame the party in power because the business community did not encourage people with experience to get involved in the political process.
We are suffering by our own actions, not by the actions of others as Sir Johs concludes.
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