Iesha Musson PLP candidate for C20

Today the Progressive Labor Party rolled out another candidate for the General Election scheduled for February 18. Iesha Musson is the candidate for C 20.

Photo courtesy of Anthony Wade

Good afternoon to the Hon Premier, E. David Burt and thank you. Good afternoon members of the PLP executive, constituency 20 members, family and friends.

I am grateful to stand before you as a wife and proud mother of 5! I was born and raised in Bermuda between my great-grandmother’s house on Mount Hill and at my Granny’s house in Middle Town.

I am a regular Bermudian like many of you, not from PLP Legacy or groomed as a generational party member!

I am a Woman who wants to see change and progress in our community and a mother who will work to make it happen. I am blessed to stand before you today. If it were not for the good services and organizations that help so many of us, my story could have been much different.

I was once considered an at-risk youth,  but programs like Mirrors, which the Progressive Labour Party created…helped me to define a better, more successful path.

With a core value of community service embedded in that program, I fell in love with service and saw the benefits of helping people, being a proud product of those good works standing before you today.

My passions are youth development and family preservation, and I am active in the community, advocating and supporting them daily.

I have joined and supported many organizations and organized and community givebacks to benefit those in need…while connecting them to the resources they require.

Much of the work that the PLP has done has been focused on holding off the worst of what the world is going through. And we know more remains to be done.

But just imagine if we had a government with less of a social conscience? 

Would they have taken any action for people like you and me?

Imagine us without the payroll tax reductions benefiting 86% of the population. Imagine us without 70 more affordable homes built for people like you and me.

Imagine us without duty reductions in staple food items Imagine us without the relief given to workers that were displaced by Covid Things would be a whole lot worse.

Working with a PLP team that understands that times are hard and is working constantly to make things better for all…is why I am grateful to serve as a PLP candidate.

I would be humbled and honoured to serve the people of Constituency 20 – Pembroke Southwest because I care, I am strong-minded, and I am willing to work to ensure their voices are heard and the work gets done.

I would like to take a moment to thank my parents, who showed me time and time again the true definition of resilience; 

I’d like to thank my support network, who stand proud to support me daily, especially Michelle Musson; and my loving husband Najee Musson, who understands my passion for community and supports me in my endeavors.

To my children, who inspire and empower me to continue to make a difference, I love you and do this to ensure a better and fairer Bermuda for you.

 Last but certainly not least, to the constituents of C20, I am here and ready to work on your behalf! I look forward to meeting you and representing you.