The Hospitals Auxiliary of Bermuda (HAB) is pleased to announce the expansion of its scholarship support for people in its candy striper programme.
“We award scholarships annually,” said HAB President Pat Cerra. “Any candy striper enrolled in the programme at the time of application, who has completed a minimum of two years, is eligible. “What’s new is that previous awardees can now apply for funding for a second year,” he added.
Last year the HAB presented four awards totalling $12,000.
First year applicants who meet the criteria are eligible to receive an award for studies in any discipline. Scholarships may be used for studies in Bermuda or overseas but must be applied to the solely to the cost of education, e.g. tuition, books and school fees.
Scholarship applications are available in the HAB office located on the ground floor of the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital’s General Wing or by emailing Applications must be submitted no later than June 23 2024.
There are currently 103 candy stripers enrolled in the HAB program. The HAB takes in approximately 40 students annually. Interested young men and women can apply in writing. Applicants must apply before their 14th birthday. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a volunteer
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