Just over 18 months ago, I stood on this site here at Harmony Hall in Paget
when the critical renovations were commencing. Today, I am filled with pride as we open eight additional affordable housing units and mark another milestone in the Government’s ongoing commitment to addressing the
housing challenges Bermudians are facing.
In our 2020 election platform, this Government pledged that we would work to increase the stock of available, affordable housing throughout the island
and make it easier for Bermudians to get onto the property ladder.
To tackle this issue head-on, we adopted a multi-pronged approach encompassing both public and private sectors. The Government has invested significant funding to address the challenge of limited housing options. And we have worked alongside the Bermuda Housing Corporation on initiatives like the one here at Harmony Hall and others across the island.
It is exciting to see this collaboration continue to bear tangible results. The
opening of these eight housing units is a testament to the progress we are
making and a further example of the Government fulfilling the promises that
we have made to the people of Bermuda.
I want to express my gratitude to the Minister of Public Works, Lt Col Burch,
his team at the Ministry, the Bermuda Housing Corporation Chair MP
Famous and the staff at the Housing Corporation, and all those who have
contributed to this project.
While celebrating this achievement, we know the work is not done both here
at Harmony Hall and throughout the island. Renovations continue on this
transformation project, and I look forward to returning as we open more
units in the future.
This Government understands the challenges being faced by Bermudians
looking for affordable housing options.
Addressing the affordable housing challenge in Bermuda will require
continued investment of public funds. With the $15 million given to the BHC
to provide more affordable housing, the people of Bermuda should know
that more units will come online soon to provide even more affordable housing options for Bermudians.
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