Medical equipment and staff training worth half a million dollars has been donated to Bermuda Hospitals Board (BHB) by two patients.
Mr Bengt Nygren and his wife Brigitta were so impressed with the care they received from BHB cardiologists that they donated $500,000 to the hospital.
The couple, in their eighties, moved to Bermuda just before the COVID-19 pandemic. On separate occasions they became patients of BHB’s cardiologists: Mr Nygren with BHB Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Outpatient Speciality Clinics Dr Joseph Yammine; and Mrs Nygren with BHB Director of Cardiology Dr Sam Mir.
Each received a diagnosis which led to them having cardiac procedures overseas.
“We were so pleased and grateful for the care and attention both Dr Yammine and Dr Mir afforded us,” said Mr Nygren. “Our diagnoses were actually missed by our previous physicians overseas. And it’s all thanks to the BHB team that we were able to have our operations and can look forward to many more years together with our family.
“My wife and I wanted to express our gratitude and felt that a donation to strengthen the work of the department was appropriate,” he added.
The Nygrens made their half-million dollar donation to BHB’s Cardiac Diagnostic Unit through the Bermuda Hospitals Charitable Foundation.
“Mr and Mrs Nygren’s decision to show their gratitude for services we rendered, with this generous donation is inspiring,” said BHB CEO and President, Scott Pearman. “We are a community hospital and our staff strive to provide the best service to every patient. We thank the Nygren’s for their gift. It has enabled us to begin expanding our cardiac services which will benefit all Bermuda residents,” he added.
“Bermuda Hospitals Charitable Foundation is pleased to have facilitated the donation on behalf of Mr and Mrs Nygren,” said the Foundation’s Executive Director, Kim Pratt. “We are very grateful to the Nygrens for recognising the need and supporting BHB in enhancing cardiac services to the community.”
“The funds were used to purchase 14 new mobile ECG carts which are used throughout the hospital, and a treadmill used to screen for coronary artery disease,” said Dr Mir. “Some of the funds were also used to train staff in a new service BHB is developing. The vascular programme will assist in assessing and treating peripheral artery disease.”
Dr Yammine said: “The Nygrens are a very thoughtful and caring couple. Their gift has already helped so many and will continue to do so for many years to come.”
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