Former UBP MP and former OBA candidate Donte Hunt, who knew the recently deceased former MP Darius Tucker very well and ran in constituencies close to where Mr. Tucker did and remembers him as a light who was always smiling and willing to share a laugh and joke.
“ I saw Darius last Friday and the same bright shining person and character came through,” he said. “ We were having a conversation about work and around three people came and he said something to make their day. That’s who Darius was and he will be greatly missed by a plethora of anyone who had the pleasure to know him.”
Mr. Hunt said that when he and Mr. Tucker served in the House of Assembly together, they would frequently cross the aisle and have conversations with members on the other side.
“ During those very late nights and early mornings, you could definitely count on Darius to lift people’s spirits,” he said.
He offers his deepest condolences and sympathies to the Tucker family at this point in time.
TNN’s Management and staff offer sincere condolences to the family and friends of Darius Tucker.
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