As nomination day drew to a close, TNN’s Trevor Lindsay spoke with Free Democratic Movement (FDM) leader Marc Bean, who confirmed that his party has submitted ten nominees for the upcoming election, including himself. Bean will be contesting in Constituency 32, a place he described as his foundation.
Addressing the historic number of candidates representing various political parties and independent movements, Bean welcomed the diversity as a reflection of democracy at work. It speaks to a void in the country. When there’s s a gap, it gets filled naturally. This is the first time we’re going through this experience, but it’s s good. It can only be positive, he said.
Bean suggested that the high number of contenders could lead to an unprecedented outcome. You might not even have any particular entity getting 19 seats. That could require another election or a coalition. But time will tell it’s s up to the people.
He emphasized that a vote for the FDM is a vote for political sanitation. In order for this country to advance, we need cleanliness. Cleanliness is godliness, he remarked.
When asked about comments from Tiffany Painter, who highlighted the importance of selecting 36 of the country’s s brightest, smartest minds, Bean offered a nuanced perspective. That’s a relative term. We have grassroots activists and professionals. This country has been run by people with degrees and qualifications, but look at where we are now. Quality is more about character, the way we think, speak, and act. If we can have 36 presidents in Parliament, that would benefit the country.
On the atmosphere of nomination day, Bean noted the varying approaches of the parties. The PLP came with bells and whistles. We had gombeys too, but not on that level. Were not trying to mimic the PLP. The independents and OBA were more quiet, just getting their registration done.
With the nomination process complete, Bean acknowledged that the real work now begins. We have 18 days left. It’s s very difficult to cover 350 homes in that time, but we will do our best. He urged voters to welcome FDM candidates at their doors. The first thing my candidates must do is listen. Don’t t preach you’re re seeking their vote to serve them. Humility is at the forefront of the Free Democratic Movement.
As the countdown to February 18th begins, all eyes are on the FDM and other contenders to see how they will connect with voters and navigate this pivotal election.
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