Exposure of COVID-19 at East End Primary

On Thursday May 13, a letter from the Ministry of Health’s Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (ESU) was sent to all parents, guardians, teachers and staff at East End Primary, informing them of a potential exposure of COVID-19 at the St. George’s school.

The letter stated that the confirmed Coronavirus case has been isolated and that contact tracing has begun by the ESU.

“A full assessment [of the situation at the school] will be completed today and additional communication will be provided outlining further public health guidelines that must be followed, such as quarantining and testing,” the letter read.

The ESU then urged parents to watch for any potential symptoms of COVID-19, which include coughing, chills, runny nose, fatigue and headaches to name a few.

“While many of these symptoms can be experienced with other conditions such as Influenza or seasonal allergies, we ask that you contact your doctor should you develop any of these symptoms,” the letter continued.

The ESU encouraged parents to contact schoolsurv@gov.bm or their healthcare provider should they have any further questions or concerns about the virus and to also try their best to keep the school and the community at large safe.
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