Distasteful Anonymous Defamatory Content Aimed at PLP

The Progressive Labour Party (PLP) is aware of the malicious and false video being circulated
anonymously on social media, clearly aimed at tarnishing the reputations of PLP Cabinet ministers, and misleading the public.

These attempts to divide our community through dishonesty and baseless personal
attacks are despicable, unacceptable, and go far beyond the realm of acceptable public discourse.
Vicious anonymous content of this nature not only undermines our democratic values but also erodes trust within our society. We must collectively recognise the harm caused by manufacturing and spreading falsehoods.

The PLP has confidence in the Bermuda Police Service’s ability to investigate crime and bring perpetrators to justice. We are committed to upholding the rule of law and would remind those responsible for these false smear campaigns that they have a wide-reaching impact on families.

To all of the families, we extend our regret for the distress caused by the repeated emergence of such baseless attacks. This party does not take lightly the attempts to exploit personal matters for political gain and reaffirms its stance against any form of political misconduct.

We further call on all of Bermuda’s political organizations and independents to join us in condemning this malicious act.

The Progressive Labour Party will continue to champion the values of fairness & truth, regardless of the distractions that may arise. We urge our fellow Bermudians to remain focused on the task at hand: delivering policies that make tangible improvements in the lives of all Bermudians.

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