It is with great delight that Digicel Bermuda announced that they have promoted Monique White to oversee their Human Resources Department.
Ms. White has an abundance of experience which has led her to the promotion of HR Director. Getting her start in the telecommunications industry as a Recruitment Manager within KeyTech Limited. Monique has spent the last 15 years of her career ensuring employee operations run fairly and smoothly so Bermuda can have the latest and greatest technology.
“Monique’s sincerity and graceful assurance are traits that make her the perfect fit for this role,” said Stephen Murad, Cluster CEO. “She is not only extremely knowledgeable as it pertains to her field, but also possess a unique ability to bring out the best in people. These are skills that born leaders hold and Monique is indeed a trailblazer.”
Ms. White will now oversee the day-to-day operations of the Human Recourse Department at Digicel. This will include, but is not limited to: Recruitment and employment, labour and employee relations, training and development and succession planning.
“This is another career milestone for me” Monique stated. “It is important to me to be the representation I want to see within the executive bodies of organizations; therefore, I do not take this appointment lightly. I believe at its core Digicel is an organization built on family values and I will do my very best to ensure we reach our full potential.”
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