The Ministry of National Security’s Customs Department has recently implemented the following process regarding the importation of goods intended to be used for combatting COVID-19.
Any incoming shipments containing such goods will be secured by Customs until the importer of them or their agent completes the appropriate declaration and provides the approvals required by the Department of Health.
The Department of Health must review product information for all antigen test kits intded for COVID-19 screenings and the relevant issue approval, which will then be provided to Customs by the importer.
There is no quantitative limit to how many antigen test kits may be imported at one time. However, test kits must be certified by an approved country-level regulatory agency and non-regulatory approved antigen tests will not be permitted.
All other types of COVID-19 testing kits and supplies must require prior approval from the Department of Health and said approval must be provided by the importer to Customs regardless of whether they are intended for individual use or for sale to others.
The Department of Health may also order that specific COVID-19 items for an importer are not approved, in which case Customs will detain the items in question.
If there is any difficulty in releasing of a shipment of COVID-19 goods, people should contact customs via email at and provide the name of the importer (as stated on the shipment), the Bermuda Customs Declaration number, and applicable transport document reference (such as tracking number, bill of landing number, etc.)
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