In keeping with the long-standing PLP tradition, we ceased all party activity out of respect for the late Stanley A. Morton and his family on the day of his homegoing service. Representatives from our Caucus, Executive and membership joined hundreds at St. Paul AME to honour his life’s work in helping to build a better Bermuda.
We resumed connecting with the people of Smith’s South over the past week in support of our candidate Mischa Fubler.
Mischa is a Bermudian IT specialist, a husband and a father. His values, vision and variety of skills make him an asset not just to our party but to the entire country.
Some people we reached via door to door canvassing, others we reached out to via other means. We listened to their views, perspectives, life experiences, and concerns.
Many of the seniors spoke of the recent increase in their pension. This was a campaign pledge we made in 2017 and the Progressive Labour Party has honoured that pledge every year..
Others spoke about the recent legislation that ushered in Bermuda’s first Minimum Hourly Wage, that better reflects employee’s hard work in fields such as hospitality and other service roles.
As a Member of Parliament of the PLP, I am proud to be a part of a party and government that honours their Founders, supports our seniors and seeks solutions to uplift the working class of Bermuda.
Over the coming weeks, my colleagues and I look forward to continuing to build strong connections with the people of Smith’s South in support of our candidate Mischa Fubler who will provide them with the strong representation they so deserve.
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