The Opposition is set to present our Budget reply to Bermuda. I encourage the people of Bermuda to listen. The One Bermuda Alliance’s reply will give Bermudians insight on where we stand as an island, and not on platitudes. The reply will also show the OBA’s alternative views on managing the island’s finances. However it will take more than fiscal prudence, we require unity.
The island has reached a point where it will require all of us to pull together as one; not as a fragmented community.
We have seen that the PLP peddles in division, with an “US vs Them” mentality. Branding anyone who speaks out against them as the “combined opposition” regardless if they are a member of the OBA or not.
The PLP did not cause the divisions which exist today, however they have masterfully exploited them for political gain.
To change Bermuda’s trajectory, it will require an atmosphere where everyone can provide insight without hesitation. An atmosphere where that insight is listened to and policy is created to ease the burden of those who live in Bermuda and invest in it. There needs to be real consensus between Government and our fishermen, taxi drivers, educators, parents, entrepreneurs, insurance industry, and the public of Bermuda.
All play a critical role in the success of Bermuda. We have repeatedly seen the Progressive Labour Party push forward with its agenda regardless of who speaks out against it, even its own party supporters.
The One Bermuda Alliance is the team that can build that consensus and foster the collaborative effort required to chart a successful course into the future for Bermuda and her people. How am I so confident? The OBA has built that consensus within our caucus. We have tradespeople, finance specialists, lawyers, healthcare specialists, students, teachers, insurance experts, hospitality workers, farmers, artists, entrepreneurs, and more.
We mirror the composition of the people who live on this beautiful island and if given the opportunity, the One Bermuda Alliance will foster and value that collaboration and combined insight to governing the island.
Despite the narrative that the OBA is down and out, we continue to grow from strength to strength. Attracting new quality candidates, collecting expertise from multiple industries, engaging with the community, and perfecting our policy. The people will have a viable alternative in the next election.
The One Bermuda Alliance’s budget reply will outline our fiscal outlook as well as our social conscience. I urge all of Bermuda to choose unity and understanding. We cannot repair our community and economy without each other.
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