In an exclusive interview with TNN’s Trevor Lindsay, Chaplain Kevin Santucci, who is an active gardener and has
taught people about gardening for many years, has said that “night farmers” going onto private land and stealing and possibly reselling produce at a much higher price is not necessarily a new
trend, but is becoming increasingly more prevalent due to various needs within the community.
Keeping that in mind, Mr. Santucci still condemns that kind of behavior and believes that everyone who participates in that should be prosecuted.“ We ought to be looking at ways to help our society and I believe that, coming from a grassroots level, neighbors need to be neighbors again and need to be looking after one another, knowing that their next-door neighbor could be a farmer or gardener,” he said.
“ On the other hand, when it comes to the sale of produce, everyone who sells any sort of produce, in my opinion, should have some sort of marketing stating that they’re either a gardener or have a license to sell these things.”
Mr. Santucci is noticing a new trend, At present Bermuda has a banana shortage and people are selling banana trees at an extremely high cost. Because he has never seen that before, he personally finds that alarming.
“ Farmers work extremely hard; in rain, blow, cold or shine and even late at night and it’s very disturbing to see these people being taken advantage of,” he said. “ On the other side, there are
persons who are helping society by providing volunteer service, of which people are taking away their crops as well.”
“ [As a community], we should never support a price gauge, but we should also never support anyone who is selling anything that is causing harm by stealing from the person to sell to someone else,” he continued.
“ Those are things that we need to be looking at carefully. I’m willing to at least hear some other comments and concerns and I honestly believe that we can do better . . .
Bermuda, let’s celebrate, and not take away from our people. Let’s do something better than what we’re doing today, if we truly love our island.
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