In a major step to provide affordable prescription medications in Bermuda, Coralisle Group Ltd. has opened a pharmacy to the general public, CG Pharmacy, located at Paget Plaza in the former Clarien bank building at 161 South Road.
‘Our goal in this initiative is to make prescription drugs accessible and affordable to our CG members
and the general public, including those impacted the most such as seniors, the under-insured and uninsured,’ Naz Farrow, CG’s Chief Executive Officer, said.
‘High and rising drug prices pressure a lot of people financially, even to the point that some skip medications they need to manage their condition. We want to change that reality, to ease the cost
pressures and, in the process, help to bring about better health outcomes across the Island.’
‘We believe this initiative will foster across-the-board benefits,’ Ms Farrow said. ‘For people on FutureCare, for example, it can stretch their purchasing dollars, helping them to get more for less. For us at CG, it will help us manage affordable medical costs for our members.’
CG Pharmacy looks forward to working directly with local organizations, including charities and non-
profits, assisting in their efforts to improve medication access and support preventative care in the community.
A CG spokesperson said: “By offering these organizations affordable priced medications, we can expand their purchasing power, helping them to reach more people. These efforts can support greater access to prescriptions and, critically, to maintain medication adherence, which is essential to achieve
better health. Ultimately, better health outcomes will lead to reduced disease progression, fewer hospitalizations and an overall reduction in healthcare expenditure.’
In addition to prescription medicines, CG Pharmacy will carry over-the-counter products such as pain relievers, vitamins, cough and cold medicines, first aid products and more, as well as offer the following services:
▪ Island-wide delivery for prescriptions
▪ Free monthly blister-packing
▪ Free medication reviews (Including home visits)
‘CG prides itself on being a people-first company,’ Ms Farrow said. ‘We do all we can to serve the interest of our members, recognising that we are part of a larger community whose well-being plays a
vital role in the quality of life we all share. Our pharmacy initiative reflects that understanding and operates with the goal of achieving positive outcomes for both our members and the community at large.’
CG Pharmacy Address: 161 South Road, Paget, Bermuda Web:
Phone: 441.272.2700
▪ Private consultation room
▪ Full-service medication provider for nursing homes and rest homes
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