There have been a slew of breakins at businesses across the island in recent weeks. Breakins that have cost proprietors thousands of dollars in losses.
Among the businesses hit were, The Hub in Warwick, the Terrace restaurant on Front Street, P-Tech on Reid Street in the city of Hamilton, the Crawl Hill gas station, Collectors Hill gas station and most recently the gas station at Blue Hole Hill and the Sunglasses shop on Reid Street.
There was also a failed attempt by individuals to break into Cycle Care.
We have reached out to police to find out what measures have they put in place to deal with these incidents and to prevent them happening with such regularity.
However we have not had any response.
What we can confirm is that with half the island’s CCTV cameras out of service, there has been very little if any assistance provided in that regard.
Police also have not responded to our queries about whether these crimes may be linked.
Based on previous police press releases, in a number of these breakins the suspects arrived at the business places on bikes in the early morning and entered by smashing the glass door entrances before making good their escape with thousands of dollars worth of valuables.
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