BIU Chief Organizer Plans on Taking Union to Court

Despite Bermuda Industrial Union President Chris Furbert unofficially terminating Chief Organizer George Scott from all of his positions and duties at the organization, Brother George Scott was preparing tea for himself in the union’s kitchen this morning before he was spotted by Brother Chris.

“ I walked right past Brother Chris and took my seat [for a meeting] right before he told everyone that the meeting was cancelled and called the police on me,” Brother George said.
Once the police arrived, Brother George explained to them that, since he was elected directly by union members into his executive position, Brother Chris cannot terminate him from that position, despite being the union’s president.

“ [I told the two officers that the BIU is] a democratic institution,” Brother George said. “ You have to call the people who put me into this position into another meeting to decide whether I go or stay in my position.”

The only way that Brother Geroge Scott could be removed from his executive position without being voted out would be if the union were run undemocratically; which is the direction that he feels the union is slowly heading towards with its current leadership.

Brother Chris and others changed the locks to Brother George’s office last week. He spoke to the BIU’s Recording Secretary Sister Molly Burgess about how to get back into the office and she did not even know that the locks had been changed.

“ The BIU think they can do as they like when they cannot,” Brother George said. “ Since Brother Chris brought the police into this situation, I will bring the courts in and that will start straightening up what is from what is not.”

The BIU has to give its members at least 20 weeks notice before calling a delegates’ conference to change executive positions within the organization. To date, no conference has been called.

“ Brother Chris knows that [ removing me] is not going to be easy, and he has to let the delegates’ conference have their say,” Brother George said. “ He is removing me because he just does not want me there.”

Several calls to the Bermuda Industrial Union headquarters today with no reply to TNN’s inquiries.

Photo courtesy of RG
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