A cohort of 15 Bermuda Public School Math Teachers have been recognized for completing a professional development programme. Lead Practitioner (LP)accreditation is a professional learning process that drives improvement by building a culture of evidence-informed teaching and learning. Educators are accredited through the SSAT Lead Practitioner Programmes, offered online by the UK-based schools, students and teachers network. The Lead Practitioner Accreditation took a year to complete.
Newly accredited Lead Practitioners are:
Antoinette Hollis – Francis Patton Primary; Melanie Seymour – West End Primary; Angela Tota Francis – Port Royal Primary; Janine Scott – Victor Scott Primary; Chevonne Furbert – Harrington Sound Primary; Dena Richardson – Purvis Primary; Dionne Tuzo – Northlands Primary; O’ Shandah Lightbourne – Purvis Primary; Tammy Goodchild – Gilbert Institute; J’Ree Cann – Paget Primary; Jodie Rudo – Francis Patton Primary; Alanna King – Dellwood Middle School; Tamara Sukdeo – St. Georges Preparatory School; Lutgarda Lambe – Purvis Primary; Crenstant Williams, Mathematics Officer, Department of Education
The Minister of Education, the Hon. Diallo Rabain, JP, MP, praised the teachers at a ceremony. Minister Rabain said: “This accreditation is not just a mark of excellence; it’s a testament to your dedication to elevating teaching and learning standards in mathematics education. It signifies your commitment to professional growth and practice, which is essential for advancing Education Reform in Bermuda.”
Minister Rabain added: “The SSAT Lead Practitioner status you’ve achieved will serve our students now and in the future. As you know, one of the critical outcomes of this accreditation is (and I quote):
“Successful LPs will be able to extend their sphere of influence beyond their immediate team.”
‘This is the hallmark of authentic leadership and what we need in Bermuda’s Public Schools.’
The Minister also thanked Maths Officer Crenstant Williams for bringing the professional development opportunity to Bermuda Public Schools. Minister said: “Your commitment to building a sustainable, professional learning network in mathematics is invaluable.”
Mr Williams added his thanks to the sponsors of the programme. He said: ‘We are grateful to Centennial Bermuda Foundation and Vivian Carter for providing the funding and support for his professional development opportunity’.
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