Bermuda Court support OBA’s complaint but refuse moving polling station

Today the Bermuda Court found that the PLP candidate for the Sandys North bye election has a connection to the polling station.
Nonetheless, the Court then declined the OBA’s application to move the polling station. The Court accepted the evidence of the Parliamentary Registrar that it would be “extremely difficult” to move the station and that if “another Election Room needed to be selected, there was only one day, namely today, to do so.”
We in the OBA continue to believe this venue isn’t neutral as required by law.
The proposition only needs to be stated to see it is correct: our elections need to be held in neutral polling stations, with no actual or apparent affiliation to any particular candidate.
We are please the Court expressly found that the Reverend Dr Dill “has a connection to the Allen Temple Church on which premises the Allen Temple Hall exists. That connection arises as she is the Assistant Pastor for the Allen Temple Church … I also accept that she is registered at the Residence which is near the Allen Temple Church and Allen Temple Hall.”
The OBA maintains that the current polling station is not a neutral venue, given the connection found to exist with the PLP candidate.
Despite this clear connection, the court accepted the Parliamentary Registrar’s evidence as to the extreme difficulty of changing the venue before tomorrow’s election.
It is now for the voters to decide who should fairly and properly represent them in Sandys North.

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