Bermuda College to Host First In-Person Commencement in Two Years
After two years of virtual celebrations, Bermuda College is pleased to have their Spring 2022 commencement ceremonies in person, scheduled for Thursday, May 19.
“We are so proud of our 2022 graduates, most of which started with us back in 2020, when the pandemic first arrived on the island,” Bermuda College Director of Communication Evelyn James Barnett said. “ This year’s graduating class is actually higher than last year’s, with
approximately 100 students.”
One of the graduating students is 18-year-old Salae Graham, who will be the student speaker at the commencement. Ms. Graham, who is a dual-enrollment student at the Berkeley Institute, is
also the first student to graduate from the Pre-Med Science Associate Program with distinction.
Six other dual enrollment students will be receiving their Associates’ Certificates prior to receiving their high school diplomas next month. Another graduate is a young mother, who had two children while pursuing a Nursing degree.
“ The dual-enrollment program is a partnership from students’ high schools and our dual-enrollment liaison here at Bermuda College,” Ms. Barnett said. “ The two groups talk and recommend students whom they believe are able to handle the dual-enrollment program, taking courses both at the college and at their high school.”
According to Ms. Barnett, private school students in Bermuda may be able to take some classes at the college also, in the not so distant future.
“The program is a great and robust way to get students into the college early and see them getting their Associate’s Degrees or go even further with any of our overseas transfer school
partners,” she said.
COVID screening protocols will be done at the event, which is by invitation only and is scheduled to start at 2:30 pm. People can also tune into it on CITV and the Bermuda College’s website.
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