The Minister of Social Development and Seniors and the Minister responsible for the Human Rights Commission, the Hon. Tinee Furbert JP MP recognized Human Rights Day 2021, observed annually on this 10th day of December since its formal inception in 1950.
The Minister stated, “In 1948, some seventy-three years ago on this day, the United Nations General Assembly, for the first time, adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, otherwise referred to as the UDHR. This milestone document is available in more than 500 languages, making it the most translated document globally.
The UDHR sets out the fundamental rights and freedoms that apply to ALL people everywhere despite their nationality, colour, gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, disability, political or any other status. I am pleased to celebrate and recognize the significance of Human Rights today.”
Although the UDHR is not a binding document, it has inspired more than 60 human rights instruments, including Bermuda’s Human Rights Act 1981, which received assent on 7th July forty years ago and was enshrined into law that was operational in May 1982. These instruments together constitute an international standard of human rights. This standard provides a foundation for a just future for all and has given people everywhere a powerful tool in the fight against oppression, impunity and affronts to human dignity.
Minister Furbert added, “As our community continues to evolve, so will our human rights legislation to strengthen human rights to meet the needs of our people and communities. Community action is not just required from a local perspective, but globally to ensure ALL human rights are protected, and we are free from discrimination in areas of employment, accommodation, public displays, access to goods, facilities, and services.”
This year’s theme for Human Rights Day is: EQUALITY – Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights.
Minister Furbert concluded, “Residents of Bermuda, today is a time to reflect, educate ourselves and advocate on issues that impact all human beings and their rights.”
The Minister encourages companies, organizations, churches, schools and our community as a whole to celebrate Human Rights Day by doing one of the following or something similar:
· Start a Facebook campaign by encouraging your family and friends to change their profile picture to an individualized Human Rights banner/picture.
· Create a video about Human Rights Day and have it go viral.
· Set up a free expression wall and encourage co-workers, friends, clients etc. to write about what human rights mean to them.
· Stage a virtual public reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in full.
· Host a virtual lunch and learn to discuss Human Rights and Equality.
“We must work collectively as a country to reduce inequalities and advance human rights for ALL as EQUALITY is for everyone.————————————————————————Any content which is considered unsuitable, unlawful, or offensive, includes personal details, advertises or promotes products, services or websites, or repeats previous comments will be removed.
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