Baby Sarai is born in the eye of Hurricane Ernesto

Hurricane Ernesto brought more than wind and rain on Saturday, with the birth of a baby girl, Sarai Bailey, at 8am to proud parents Stephanie and Keenan Bailey.  Sarai is a new sister for 18-month brother, Kaden.

Stephanie and Keenan were at home when Mrs Bailey’s contractions started at 4am, four days ahead of the baby’s due date.

“Thankfully the contracts started just as the eye of Hurricane Ernesto was coming over so the winds had died down,” said Stephanie. “Even though we live close to the hospital, however, we had to navigate roads blocked with trees to get in. I was surprised at how fast Sarai was born. Just four hours after contractions started.”

“Sarai was here before I could get back to the hospital from dropping Kaden off at my mother’s,” Mr Bailey added. “When I walked back in, there Sarai was.”

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