Mr. Arthur Alexander Montgomery Carlington became the island’s newest centenarian today. At his celebration this afternoon, with his wife, family and friends during a drive through the chipper 100-year-old told TNN’s Trevor Lindsay that he feels absolutely fantastic.
“ Bermuda has changed it was never like the way it is today and you can rest asure we will never get that back,” he said. “ In those days, you hardly ever saw any black men killing each other, There was hardly even any violent fighting, you could leave your house wide open [at night] and nobody would disturb you or your things.”
The Honorable Premier David Burt was in attendance at Mr. Carlington’s celebration in the old Whites Supermarket parking lot in St. David’s and received some valuable advice from the 100 year old man of wisdom, including what to eat for breakfast a banana, avocado and an orange every morning if he wants to live as long as Mr. Carlington.
“ The best part of my job is getting to celebrate people’s 100th birthdays with him,” he said. “
One of the objectives that we have is making sure that people age better and Mr. Carlington is just one example of someone who is doing that, Happy Birthday from the people of Bermuda.”
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