During the New Year’s Day holiday weekend – from 5pm Friday, 29th December 2023 until 5am Tuesday, 2nd January 2024 – the Bermuda Police Service (BPS) carried out proactive policing patrols throughout the island.
In summary, this BPS activity resulted in:
- 4 males arrested for possessing bladed articles.
- 6 suspected impaired drivers arrested.
- 13 people arrested for various other offences.
- 21 traffic tickets issued.
Bladed Articles Seized & Four Arrests Made
Four local males were arrested for possession of bladed articles in three separate incidents, with court appearances pending. One male was arrested during a traffic initiative in St. George’s, the afternoon of 1st January 2024; another male was arrested in the early morning hours of 1st January 2024 on Front Street, City of Hamilton; while the other two males were arrested the night of 31stDecember 2023, after being stopped for a traffic infraction by mobile patrol officers in Paget.
Six Arrested on Suspicion of Impaired Driving
Court appearances are also anticipated for six people arrested on suspicion of impaired driving, with 3 failing the alco-analyser test and 3 refusing to take it.
13 Arrested for Various Other Offences
Those arrested include 4 people for outstanding warrants; 2 people for wilful damage; as well as 1 person for assault on police; 1 for common assault; 1 for possession of a controlled drug; 1 for burglary; 1 for stealing a vehicle; 1 for theft; and 1 for prowling.
21 Traffic Tickets & 14 Official Written Warnings Issued to Motorists
BPS patrol officers issued 5 tickets to motorists for not having a driver’s licence; 4 tickets for not having vehicle insurance; 4 tickets for operating an unlicensed vehicle; 4 tickets for speeding; 2 tickets for having illegal licence plates; 1 ticket for driving without due care and 1 ticket for permitting an unlicensed person to drive.
In addition, 14 motorist advice notices or official written warnings, were also issued.
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