24 Hour Fundraiser for MS Patient to begin Friday
Kandra Salaam was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis a few years ago. It becomes increasingly more painful for her every day as a result.
Nina Webb, who is a close friend of Ms. Salaam, came up with a fundraising event for her and her family called “ Stand for Kandra,” where participants will stand for 24 straight hours, starting tomorrow (April 22) at 8 p.m, at the old Berkeley Institute school. “ It is going to be family, friends and anyone else who wants to sign up,” Ms. Webb said.
“ We are going to have a call-in line to make a pledge if people would like. We want all the people that we can get to show Ms. Salaam that M.S. is not her, what is happening to her is happening to all of us, and that we are here for her.”
Anyone and everyone is invited and encouraged to participate in and support this event.
Those who wish to make monetary contributions can wire funds to HSBC account no. 002 0533165 001. All donations and pledges will go towards Ms. Salaam’s large medical expenses, travel costs and possible future medical expenses.
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