21 Year Old Man Shot In Latest Firearms Incident

Shortly before 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday 29th December 2021, police received a 911 call reporting gun shots heard in the area of Mount Hill Road, Pembroke.


Police attended the scene which has now been cordoned off while it is being forensically processed.


Early indications are, a twenty-one-year old male sustained a gunshot wound and was transported via private vehicle to King Edward Hospital, where he is currently receiving treatment for his injuries.

Traffic controls have been set up at junctions in the surrounding area and there will be delays in residents getting to their homes.


We thank you for your patience and understanding.


Meanwhile, anyone who may have any information on this incident is asked to call 211, the main police number, 295-0011, or, Crime Stoppers on 800-8477.————————————————————————————————Any content which is considered unsuitable, unlawful, or offensive, includes personal details, advertises or promotes products, services or websites, or repeats previous comments will be removed.

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