Online Registration for the Bermuda Public School System’s 2023/2024 school year is open and will close on November 30.
Parents and Guardians are reminded of the following general requirements:
ü Online registration application completed
ü Birth Certificate
ü NO passport
ü Verification of Parent 1 residential address – MUST be in parent’s name
ü i.e. Utility bill (BELCO)/lease/ bank statement/internet
ü NO letters from family or friends/NO cellphone bills
ü Proof of guardianship
ü if applicant is being registered by a non-parent
ü Evidence of diagnosis if the child identifies with a special need
ü i.e. ASD, Dyslexia, etc.
ALL Bright Start and Preschool applicants:
ü MUST be toilet trained (unless there is a medical reason)
ü Have had CDP 2-year-old screening (or be scheduled)
Applications received after Wednesday, November 30, 2022, are deemed late and will be processed after all on-time registration forms have been processed.
For conditions and additional information, visit or @BermudaPublicSchools Facebook page.
Email or call 278-3307 with any questions.
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